September 14, 2024

Sudoku is a number puzzle game that is very popular all over the world. The game challenges players to fill a 9×9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9, in such a way that each number appears only once in each row, column, and 3×3 subgrid. For those of you who are new to the game, here is a complete guide on how to play Sudoku.

A Brief History of Sudoku

Before we get into how to play, it’s worth knowing a little bit about the history of Sudoku. Sudoku has deep roots, originating in Japan, although the game was inspired by older number puzzles from Europe and America. It first appeared in its modern form in 1984 when the puzzle’s creator, Howard Garns, introduced “Number Place.” Sudoku then became extremely popular around the world, especially after being introduced by a Japanese newspaper in 1986.

Sudoku Structure and Basic Rules

Before starting the game, it is important to understand the basic structure of the game. Here are some important points in the structure and rules of the Sudoku game:

  1. Grid 9×9: Sudoku consists of a grid divided into 9 rows and 9 columns. This grid is also divided into 9 3×3 subgrids.

  2. Numbers 1-9: In Sudoku, you have to fill the numbers from 1 to 9 into the grid.

  3. Placement Rules: Each number can only appear once in each row, column, and 3×3 subgrid. This is a basic rule to follow.

  4. Filled Cells: Some numbers will be already filled in the grid as clues, and your task is to fill in the blank numbers based on the applicable rules.

How to Play Sudoku Step by Step

Here are the steps you can follow to play Sudoku:

1. Understanding the Grid

Before you start playing, understand the grid you see. Observe the numbers that are already there and note their position and distribution.

2. Start with a Certain Number

Focus on the existing numbers. Try to determine which numbers can be filled in the empty positions. The way to do this is by looking at the rows, columns, and subgrids of the existing numbers.

3. Use the Process of Elimination

One effective way to fill in numbers in Sudoku is to use the process of elimination. Here's how to do it:

4. Train Logical Skills

Sudoku is not just about recognizing numbers, but also training your logic skills. The more you play, the better you will be at solving these puzzles.

5. Use Specific Techniques

In the game of Sudoku, there are several techniques that can help you find the correct number. Here are some of them:

  • Naked Singles: This occurs when there is only one number that can be entered into a cell. If you encounter this, immediately fill in the number.

  • Hidden Singles: While there are multiple possible numbers in a particular cell, one number may only match that cell. These are often harder to find than Naked Singles.

  • Pointing Pairs: When two numbers in a subgrid force the same number to be in one row or column, you can exclude that number from other cells in the same row or column.

  • Box-Line Reduction: If a number appears in a row in two subgrids, it can be excluded from other cells in that row that are not in the subgrids.

Tips for Beginner Sudoku Players

Here are some tips for beginner Sudoku players to help you while playing:

  1. Start with the Easy: Choose a puzzle with a lower level of difficulty. This will help you understand the mechanics of the game.

  2. Make a Note: While working on the puzzle, make notes on the edges of the cells to indicate possible numbers that can be put together. This will help you in the process of elimination.

  3. Stay calm: Don't rush. A small mistake can lead to a bigger confusion.

  4. Practice Often: The more you practice, the better you will be at solving puzzles. Try to play every day.

  5. Use Tools: If you find yourself having trouble, don't hesitate to use tools such as computer programming or Sudoku apps to find a solution.

Types of Sudoku

Sudoku comes in many different shapes and settings. Here are some popular types of Sudoku:

  • Standard Sudoku: This is the most common form of Sudoku that we will discuss here.

  • Killer Sudoku: In Killer Sudoku, each dice-shaped region has a certain total that must be achieved with the numbers in it.

  • Jigsaw Sudoku: Instead of square-shaped subgrids, Jigsaw Sudoku has irregular shapes.

  • Word Sudoku: In this form, letters are used instead of numbers, and you have to arrange certain words in a grid.

One of the Common Mistakes From New Players

As a beginner player, you may make some mistakes while playing. Here are some common mistakes that are often made:

  1. Ignoring the Use of the Process of Elimination: Many beginners try to randomly fill in numbers without considering the existing numbers.

  2. Too Hasty in Filling: Speed ​​doesn't always mean more quality of play. Take time to think.

  3. Hesitation to Delete Numbers: After making a mistake, some players hesitate to delete the numbers they have entered. If it is wrong, delete it and try again.

  4. Not Recording Possibilities: Many players also forget the importance of noting down the possible numbers that can be entered into a cell.


Sudoku is a game that is not only brain-sharpening but also fun and addictive. By understanding How to Play Sudoku and applying the right techniques and strategies, you can not only enjoy the game but also become more proficient in solving it. Remember, the keys to becoming a good player are practice, patience, and logic. Have fun and good luck!