The Fajr Qobliyah prayer is one of the important acts of worship in Islam. This prayer is performed before the fardhu Fajr prayer. However, there is still a lot of debate regarding the timing of the Qobliyah Fajr prayer, whether it is done after the Fajr call to prayer or before the Fajr call to prayer. In this article, we will discuss this in full.
1. Explanation of the Morning Qobliyah Prayer
Morning Qobliyah Prayer is a sunnah prayer performed before the obligatory Fajr prayer. This prayer has many advantages and great rewards for Muslims who do it sincerely. The morning Qobliyah prayer consists of two rak'ahs that are performed in congregation or individually.
2. Performing the Qobliyah Fajr Prayer after the Adhan
There are some scholars who believe that the Qobliyah Fajr prayer should be performed after the Fajr call to prayer. They believe that performing the Qobliyah prayer after the Fajr call to prayer is better because it is a sign of obedience and obedience to the orders for the call to prayer set by Rasulullah SAW.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said,If you hear the call to prayer, say it as the muezzin says it.” By performing the Qobliyah Fajr prayer after the call to prayer, Muslims show obedience and respect for the call to prayer.
3. Arguments Regarding the Execution of Qobliyah Subuh Prayer After Adhan
There are several hadiths that show that the morning Qobliyah prayer should be performed after the morning call to prayer. One of them is the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, “When you hear the call to prayer, you should answer it.“
From this hadith, it can be concluded that Muslims should respond well to the call to prayer, including by performing the Qobliyah Fajr prayer after the call to prayer. This also shows the importance of obeying the call to prayer and the guidance of the Prophet Muhammad.
4. Performing the Qobliyah Fajr Prayer before the Adhan
However, there is also an opinion that states that the Qobliyah Fajr prayer should be performed before the Fajr call to prayer. They argue that the Qobliyah Fajr prayer should be done independently without having to wait for the Fajr call to prayer first.
In this view, the performance of the Qobliyah Fajr prayer before the Fajr call to prayer emphasizes the individual's recognition and connection with Allah SWT. The Qobliyah Fajr prayer is the right time to make istighfar, ask for forgiveness, and pray more to Allah before entering the fardhu prayer time.
5. Arguments Regarding the Execution of the Qobliyah Prayer Before the Adhan
Some scholars who believe that the Qobliyah Fajr prayer should be performed before the Fajr call to prayer refer to several hadiths that support their view. One of them is a hadith which tells that the Prophet Muhammad SAW often performed sunnah prayers before the morning prayer call to prayer, as narrated by Imam Muslim.
Thus, they are of the opinion that the Qobliyah Fajr prayer should be performed before the Fajr call to prayer in order to obtain greater blessings and privileges. By performing sunnah prayers before the specified time, Muslims can show their desire and love for Allah SWT by performing worship voluntarily.
6. Conclusion
From the description above, it can be concluded that the implementation of the Qobliyah Fajr prayer after the call to prayer or before the call to prayer has different opinions among the ulama. Each opinion has strong arguments and clear arguments according to their respective understanding.
As Muslims, it is important for us to understand and respect differences of opinion in religious matters. The most important thing is our sincere and sincere intentions in performing worship, as well as following the guidance of the Prophet SAW as best as possible.
In conclusion, it would be good if we increased worship, including the Qobliyah Subuh prayer, paying attention to the time of its implementation and sincere intentions. May we all be able to be servants who always obey and obey the commands of Allah SWT. Amen.
Hopefully this article is useful for readers. Thank you for reading.